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Philipp Körner

Contact Information

Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf

Institut für Informatik

Universitätsstraße 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf


Phone: +49 (211) 81-10713
Fax: +49 (211) 81-10712



Research Interests

  • Model checking / safety critical systems
    • Performance and optimisations
    • Executing formal specifications during runtime
    • Hybrid model checking
  • Functional / logic programming
    • Type-systems, test-case generation (cf. plspec)
  • Blockchains
    • Analysing and Verification of Smart Contracts

Current Courses (ST 2022)

  • Functional Programming: Clojure

Past Courses

  • Introduction to Functional Programming (Inverted Classroom, WT 2021/22)
  • Functional Programming: Clojure (Advanced Seminar, ST 2021)
  • Functional Programming (Inverted Classroom, WT 2020/21)
  • Model Checking (Inverted Classroom, ST 2020)
  • Functional Programming (Tutorial, WT 2019/20)
  • Seminar Blockchain (ST 2019)
  • Advanced Logic Programming (Tutorial, ST 2019)
  • Functional Programming (WT 2018/19)
  • Model Checking (ST 2018)
  • Functional Programming (WT 2017/18)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (Organisation + Tutorials, ST 2017)
  • Functional Programming (Tutorial, WT 2016/17)
  • Functional Programming (Tutorial, WT 2015/16)


Mentored Theses

I have (co-)mentored the following theses:

Name Titel Art

Gesine Pfeil

Visualization of Clojure Data Structure Bachelor's Thesis
Sebastian Stock Ein Cloud Controller für verteiltes Modelchecking Bachelor's Thesis
Isabel Wingen An Optional Type System for Prolog Individual Research Project
Sarah Glasmacher Embedding Differential Equations into ProB Bachelor's Thesis
Isabel Wingen You're Not My Type: Analyzing Prolog Programs Master's Thesis
Sebastian Sura Eine Paketverwaltung für Prolog Bachelor's Thesis
Maximilian Bauer An Improved CSP Interpreter for ProB Master's Thesis
Jan Roßbach Boolean Encoding of Statically Finite Sets in B Machines Bachelor's Thesis


Offenen Themen für Abschlussarbeiten finden Sie hier.





  • Philipp Körner, Michael Leuschel, João Barbosa, Vtor Santos Costa, Verónica Dahl, Manuel V. Hermenegildo, José F. Morales, Jan Wielemaker, Daniel Diaz, Salvador Abreu
    Fifty Years of Prolog and Beyond.
    In Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22, 6, 776--858, 2022.
  • Philipp Körner, Florian Mager
    An embedding of B in Clojure.
    In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, MODELS 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 23-28, 2022, ACM, 598--606, 2022.
  • Towards Practical Partial Order Reduction for High-Level Formalisms.
    In Verified Software. Theories, Tools and Experiments - 14th International Conference, VSTTE 2022, Trento, Italy, October 17-18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13800, Springer, 72--91, 2022.
  • Anne Brecklinghaus, Philipp Körner
    A Jupyter Kernel for Prolog.
    In Proceedings of the 36th Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming (WLP 2022), 2022.






  • plspec - A Specification Language for Prolog Data.
    In Proceedings Declare 2017, Dietmar Seipel and Michael Hanus and Salvador Abreu, Technical Report, 499, University of Würzburg, 2017.




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