Philipp Körner
Contact Information
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstraße 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 (211) 81-10713
Fax: +49 (211) 81-10712
Research Interests
- Model checking / safety critical systems
- Performance and optimisations
- Executing formal specifications during runtime
- Hybrid model checking
- Functional / logic programming
- Type-systems, test-case generation (cf. plspec)
- Blockchains
- Analysing and Verification of Smart Contracts
Current Courses (ST 2022)
- Functional Programming: Clojure
Past Courses
- Introduction to Functional Programming (Inverted Classroom, WT 2021/22)
- Functional Programming: Clojure (Advanced Seminar, ST 2021)
- Functional Programming (Inverted Classroom, WT 2020/21)
- Model Checking (Inverted Classroom, ST 2020)
- Functional Programming (Tutorial, WT 2019/20)
- Seminar Blockchain (ST 2019)
- Advanced Logic Programming (Tutorial, ST 2019)
- Functional Programming (WT 2018/19)
- Model Checking (ST 2018)
- Functional Programming (WT 2017/18)
- Theoretical Computer Science (Organisation + Tutorials, ST 2017)
- Functional Programming (Tutorial, WT 2016/17)
- Functional Programming (Tutorial, WT 2015/16)
Mentored Theses
I have (co-)mentored the following theses:
Name | Titel | Art |
Gesine Pfeil | Visualization of Clojure Data Structure | Bachelor's Thesis |
Sebastian Stock | Ein Cloud Controller für verteiltes Modelchecking | Bachelor's Thesis |
Isabel Wingen | An Optional Type System for Prolog | Individual Research Project |
Sarah Glasmacher | Embedding Differential Equations into ProB | Bachelor's Thesis |
Isabel Wingen | You're Not My Type: Analyzing Prolog Programs | Master's Thesis |
Sebastian Sura | Eine Paketverwaltung für Prolog | Bachelor's Thesis |
Maximilian Bauer | An Improved CSP Interpreter for ProB | Master's Thesis |
Jan Roßbach | Boolean Encoding of Statically Finite Sets in B Machines | Bachelor's Thesis |
Offenen Themen für Abschlussarbeiten finden Sie hier.
- A verified low-level implementation and visualization of the adaptive exterior light and speed control system.In International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2024.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Meta-Programming Event-B — Advancing Tool Support and Language Extensions.In Proceedings ABZ (International Conference on Rigorous State-Based Methods), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14759, Springer, 233--240, 2024.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- On Executing State-Based Specifications and Partial Order Reduction for High-Level Formalisms.PhD Thesis, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2023.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Fifty Years of Prolog and Beyond.In Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 22, 6, 776--858, 2022.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- An embedding of B in Clojure.In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings, MODELS 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 23-28, 2022, ACM, 598--606, 2022.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Towards Practical Partial Order Reduction for High-Level Formalisms.In Verified Software. Theories, Tools and Experiments - 14th International Conference, VSTTE 2022, Trento, Italy, October 17-18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13800, Springer, 72--91, 2022.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Rooting Formal Methods within Higher Education Curricula for Computer Science and Software Engineering -- A White Paper.In CCIS, 1301, Springer, 2021.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Prototyping Games Using Formal Methods.In Proceedings FMFun 2019, CCIS, 1301, Springer, 2021.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- A Verified Low-Level Implementation of the Adaptive Exterior Light and Speed Control System.In Proceedings ABZ, LNCS, 12071, Springer, 2020.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Towards a Shared Specification Repository.In Proceedings ABZ, LNCS, 12071, Springer, 2020.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Measuring Coverage of Prolog Programs Using Mutation Testing.In Proceedings WFLP 2018, LNCS, 11285, Springer, 2019.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Embedding High-Level Formal Specifications into Applications.In Proceedings FM, LNCS, 11800, Springer, 2019.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- A Multi-Target Code Generator for High-Level B.In Proceedings iFM, LNCS, 11918, Springer, 2019.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- plspec - A Specification Language for Prolog Data.In Proceedings Declare 2017, Dietmar Seipel and Michael Hanus and Salvador Abreu, LNAI, 10997, Springer, 2018.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Three is a crowd: SAT, SMT and CLP on a chessboard.In Proceedings PADL 2018, LNCS, 10702, Springer, 2018.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Distributed Model Checking Using ProB.In Proceedings NFM 2018, LNCS, 10811, Springer, 2018.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- State-of-the-Art Model Checking for B and Event-B Using ProB and LTSmin.In Proceedings iFM 2018, LNCS, 11023, Springer, 2018.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Using a Formal B Model at Runtime in a Demonstration of the ETCS Hybrid Level 3 Concept with Real Trains.In Proceedings ABZ 2018, Michael Butler and Alexander Raschke and Thai Son Hoang and Klaus Reichl, LNCS, 10817, Springer, 292--306, 2018.
- The final authenticated version is available online at
- Symbolic Reachability Analysis of B through ProB and LTSmin.In Proceedings iFM 2016, LNCS, 9681, Springer, 2016.
- The final authenticated version is available online at