(Wintersemester 2022/23)
Place and Time:
- Thursdays 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
- DSML Common room:, HHU Düsseldorf
- WebEx stream: https://hhu.webex.com/hhu/j.php?MTID=m034b38f69f0e97e46eb943962a161d32
- Seminar program with list of talks and paper suggestions:
- Benjamin Ruppik (ruppik(at)hhu.de)
Credit Points:
- You cannot obtain credit points for attending this seminar, but we can provide you with a certificate of attendance at the end of the semester.
- English
The DSML Oberseminar is open to interested Computer Science and Linguistics students in the Winter Term 2022/2023.
We are meeting Thursday afternoons in our common room and online, starting in November (with a break over Christmas), see the detailed schedule for the precise dates and topics.
In each session, we are planning to talk about a recent research paper in the general area of Natural Language Processing, with a specific focus on Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems.
Students are very welcome to suggest papers and give a talk!
Please send a short email to ruppik(at)hhu.de if you would like to receive updates.