Stellenausschreibung - Studentische Hilfskraft (Forschung)
Student Assistant– Information Extraction & Natural Language Processing
Starting now / at the soonest possible date, the Data & Knowledge Engineering group at Heinrich-Heine-University (HHU, Düsseldorf), affiliated with Knowledge Technologies for Social Sciences (KTS, at GESIS (Cologne) and the Computational Linguistics department at HHU ( are looking for a
*Student Assistant– Information Extraction & Natural Language Processing*
(12,87 €/hr, working time 10 hrs/week, initially limited to 9 months with the possibility of further extension)
In the context of the research project "NewOrder", we are investigating scientific online discourse in news & social media, in an interdisciplinary consortium involving researchers from Computer Science, Psychology, Political and Communication Science. Our research will be concerned with novel Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods for the analysis of scientific online discourse (e.g. on Twitter) addressing challenges arising from its informal nature and heterogeneity. For instance, references to scientific works (e.g. publications, studies, datasets), scientists or scientific organisations are often provided in informal and ambiguous ways. Other challenges include the dynamically evolving vocabulary posing challenges for reuse and adaptation of both pretrained language models as well as NLP models finetuned towards specific downstream tasks. Hence, detecting and disambiguating informal science discourse and associated claims remains a challenging problem.
Your tasks will be:
* Semantic annotation of social media and web data
* Automatic linguistic analysis of scientific texts and online discourse data
* Data preprocessing and visualization
Your profile:
* Master student in AI and Data Science, Computer Science, (Computational) Linguistics or a related field
* Strong software development and programming skills (Python)
* Ability to communicate fluently in German, good language skills in English
What we offer:
* Flexible working hours and home office arrangements
* A fast growing and international working environment and access to unique research data
* Excellent qualification opportunities in web science and data engineering
For further information please contact Stefan Dietze (
Please apply by sending your complete application documents as a single PDF file to by 20 December 2023.