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I was in London, Canada, March 18-22, invited by K.Kapulkin, giving a talk on March 18th.

I was at the workshop Geometry in Modal Homotopy Type Theory in Pittsburgh, USA, March 11-15

I gave a mini course on abstract and motivic homotopy theory in Verona, Italy, February 7-15 (and a research talk there on Feb 11th)

I gave a mini course on motivic homotopy theory at the conference GAAG IV, Geometry in Algebra and Algebra in Geometry, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 5-9 2018

I gave a mini course on topos theory and Caramello's bridge technique at the UNILOG school, Vichy, France, June 16th-26th. Here is course page
I organized a workshop on Category theory and logic at the UNILOG conference, Vichy, France, June 16th-26th. Here is the workshop page

With Adeel Khan I organized a school on Motives and derived algebraic geometry, Essen, May 6-8, 2016

I gave a minicourse on Lindström theorems at the Unilog 2015, Istanbul, and promised to keep the slides online. Here they are:

First session
Second session
Third session

Responsible for the content: Peter Arndt : Contact by e-mail