Featureless Prediction of Unconventional Protein Secretion, Masterarbeit, Jan van Grimbergen
A visualization of anticlustering as an app for Cytoscape, Bachelorarbeit, Tobias Pfeiffer
Implementation and Evaluation of Imputation Methods for Handling Missing Values in Clinical Time Series Data, Bachelorarbeit, Lucas Wefers
Ein graphentheoretischer Ansatz zur Optimierung von Epitop-basierten Impfstoffen mittels Hierarchical Overlap Graphs, Bachelorarbeit, Lennart Horney
An exact approach for train cargo scheduling, Bachelorarbeit, Ammon Sillah
Visualization Tool for the Geographical Distribution and Genetic Similarity of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany, Bachelorarbeit, Leon Theis
Evaluating algorithms for the alignment of brain connectome networks, Bachelorarbeit, Johannes Herchen
Establishing an Analysis Framework for Evaluating Live-Cell Image-Based Drug Screening Data, Masterarbeit, My Ky Huynh
Anticlustering unter Maximierung der Dispersion mit Constraint-Programmierung, Bachelorarbeit, Lars Schwabe
Implementing a Biclustering Integer Linear Program and Application to Genomic Data, Bachelorarbeit, Markus Siemko
A Comparison of the Wavefront Algorithm and its Predecessors, Bachelorarbeit, Philippe Kreiß
An Investigation into Algorithmic Complexity as a Measure of Randomness, Bachelorarbeit, Tim Angelike
Vergleich von Datenstrukturen zum Ausdünnen von Punktmengen, Bachelorarbeit, Piet Leyendecker
Evaluating a normalized maximum common subgraph metric for the comparison of molecular structures, Bachelorarbeit, Henning Mitzinger
Design and Application of Graph Sampling Sets, Masterarbeit im Studiengang AI and Data Science, Christopher Orlowicz
Finding k-common fragments in molecular graphs using integer linear programming, Masterarbeit, Jonas Lauer
Predicting complications and survival time in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes using time-series based machine learning, Masterarbeit, Jonathan Bobak
Solving the train cargo routing problem with fixed scheduled lines using integer linear programming, Bachelorarbeit, Ammon Sillah
Maximizing dispersion for anticlustering, Bachelorarbeit, Max Diekhoff
Skin Cancer Classification Using Transfer Learning, Bachelorarbeit, Manuel Michels
Enrichment Analysis of Differentially Expressed microRNAs: An Application to Pancreatic Neoplasms, Masterarbeit, Sarah Schweier
Feature Selection mit Artificial Neural Networks für Krebsmedikament-Screening-Daten, Bachelorarbeit, Marvin Gooßens
Feature extraction for machine learning of chronic pain using in-homogeneous time-series data from wearables, Masterarbeit im, Studiengang Molekulare Medizin, Jonas Kupschus
Predicting Clinical Outcome after Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Masterarbeit, Alberto Descalzo Garcia
Converting Truth Tables to Minimized Boolean Functions, Bachelorarbeit, Toni Nguyen
A Combinatorial Approach to MHC Class I and II Peptide Vaccine Design with Application to SARS-CoV-2, Masterarbeit, Sara Schulte
Correlation between Staphylococcal protein A types and geographic location, Bachelorarbeit, Nina Romanow
Feature Selection using Random Forest and Bootstrap Sampling on Cancer Drug Screening Data, Bachelorarbeit, Anahita Gorgipour
Developing an Interactive Visualization Tool for Pangenome Graphs, Masterarbeit, Yulian Martynovsky
An ILP Implementation for Predicting Drug Sensitivity in Cancer Cell Lines, Bachelorarbeit, Tomas Raising
Anomaly Detection in Current-Voltage Curves: A Data-Driven Approach, Bachelorarbeit, Carolin Winkels
Linearization of Genome Sequence Graphs using Integer Linear Programming, Bachelorarbeit, Christopher Schmitz
Optimisation problems for the reinforcement of telecommunication networks, Masterarbeit, Adrian Dominic Prinz
Solving Systematic Conservation Planning using Integer Linear Programming, Bachelorarbeit, Simon Schreinermacher
A Framework for General Purpose Solvers with an Application to Cluster Editing, Masterarbeit, Jan Höckesfeld
Vorhersagen von Komplikationen nach einer Subarachnoidalblutung anhand von Machine Learning Methoden, Bachelorarbeit, Viktoria Maria Blombach
Small-RNA sequencing analysis pipeline in Snakemake and comparison to Nextflow, Bachelorarbeit, Florian Radziej
Reproduktion und Erweiterung einer Evaluierungspipeline für Algorithmen zur Identifikation aktiver Module, Bachelorarbeit, Chiara Julia Berry
Identifying functional k-mers in genome sequences. Bachelorarbeit, Vincent Wilantara
Ähnlichkeitssuche chemischer Elemente mit dem Maximum-Common-Substructure-Verfahren, Bachelorarbeit, Luca Krahn
Ein Vergleich von zwei Pipelines zur Messung der Veränderung von mRNA-Abundanz aus Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierungsdaten, Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Interdisziplinäre Naturwissenschaften, Jerrit Endom
A combinatorial approach for reconstructing rDNA repeats, Masterarbeit, Frederik Oehl
Solving Connected Dominating Set Variants Using SAT, Barchelorarbeit, Anas El Methari
Polynomial-time solvable special cases of anticlustering, Bachelorarbeit, Joshua Kokol
Cancer Type Classification Using a Logic Formulation, Bachelorarbeit, Hendrik Schmitt
Entwicklung eines Artificial Neural Network zur Erkennung der Wirksamkeit von Krebsmedikamenten, Bachelorarbeit, Torben Schmitz
Einzelzell-RNA-Sequenzierungsanalyse mittels Scanpy – Ein Vergleich von Snakemake Workflows, Bachelorarbeit, Florian Mai
Entwicklung einer webbasierten Anwendung zur interaktiven Analyse klinischer Daten, Bachelorarbeit, Rebecca Fröhlich
Fast Maximum Common Edge Subgraph Computation for Comparing Similar Molecular Structures, Masterarbeit, Jan Seipp
A Comparison of Two Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Analysis Pipelines using Snakemake, Bachelorarbeit, Pascal Meinhard
Aligning Optical Mapping Data to Genome Graphs, Masterarbeit, Laura Kühle
Konstruktion eines Planungsmodells für Aussaatzeiten unter Unsicherheit des tatsächlichen Erntezeitpunkts, Bachelorarbeit, Jan van Grimbergen
Solving Connected Dominating Set Variants Using Constraint Programming, Bachelorarbeit, Tim Pfalz
Snakemake as a workflow engine for reciprocal BLAST analyses, Bachelorarbeit, Lukas Becker
Logic models to classify cancer types based on tumor DNA samples, Masterarbeit, Nguyen Khoa Tran
Aggregieren von gerichteten azyklischen Graphen unter Verwendung von ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung, Bachelorarbeit, Max Oerter
Using anticlustering to maximize diversity and dispersion: Comparing exact and heuristic approaches, Bachelorarbeit, Martin Breuer
Solving Connected Dominating Set Variants Using Integer Linear Programming, Bachelorarbeit, Mario Surlemont
Klassifizierung von Krebsarten durch Tumor-DNA mittels Support-Vektor-Maschinen und künstlichen neuronalen Netzen Bachelorarbeit, Roman Jumatov
Developing a Cytoscape app to solve k-cluster-editing using fast heuristics, Bachelorarbeit, Lukas Ettel
k-mer Based Typing of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, Masterarbeit, Philipp Spohr
Developing a Snakemake Workflow for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, Bachelorarbeit, Lars Meinke
A user-friendly Snakemake pipeline for differential expression analysis, Bachelorarbeit, Julian Kremer
Solving the maximum allele co-occurrence problem for single individual haplotype phasing with Integer Linear Programming, Bachelorarbeit, Sarah Schweier
Automated Immunophenotyping of Multi-Experimental Flow Cytometry Data, Masterarbeit, Manuel Lentzen
Computing a Maximum Common Edge Subgraph of Two Molecular Graphs, Bachelorarbeit, Adrian Prinz
Detection of somatic mutations and loss-of-heterozygosity events in a cohort of Glioblastoma patients, Bachelorarbeit, Sara Chantal Schulte
Applying trio phasing to identify germline de novo mutations in children with cancer, Bachelorarbeit, Frederik Oehl
Solving Dominating Set Using Answer Set Programming. Bachelorarbeit, My Ky Huynh
Evaluating different methods for aircraft boarding. Bachelorarbeit, Hao Tian
On a String Partitioning Problem. Bachelorarbeit, Michael Wulfert
Contig-Assembly der MHC-Region mittels kräftebasierter Verfahren, Bachelorarbeit, Jan Höckesfeld
Contig-Assembly der MHC-Region mittels Linearer Programmierung, Bachelorarbeit, Marvin Lindemann
Learning partial charges, Masterarbeit, Jakob Schlegel
Vorhersage von Methicillin-resistenten Staphylococcus-aureus-Typen mittels Deep Learning, Bachelorarbeit, Andre Walter
Assignment of partial charges to identical atom neighborhoods of drug-like molecules, Bachelorarbeit, Richard Michael Geller
Solving the Maximum Weight Connected Subgraph Problem using Color Coding, Masterarbeit (VU Amsterdam), Eline van Mantgem
Lagrangian Relaxation for the Generalized Robinson-Foulds Metric, Bachelorarbeit, Laura Christine Kühle
Network analysis of heart infarction mice transcriptomes, Bachelorarbeit, Caroline Jachmann
Bestimmung des HLA-Genotyps auf Basis von genomweiter Sequenzierung und k-mer-Häufigkeiten, Bachelorarbeit, Yulian Martynovsky
Creating similar item sets using integer linear programming with an application to questionnaire design in experimental psychology, Bachelorarbeit, Martin Papenberg
Cluster Editing mit ganzzahliger linearer Programmierung: eine Open-Source-Lösung, Bachelorarbeit, Martin Klümpen
Identifying significant targets of molecular fragments, Bachelorarbeit, Jonas Weber,
Enrichment-Analyse viral deregulierter Signalmodule in Glioblastom-Zelllinien, Bachelorarbeit, Jonas König
Das Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem auf Bäumen, Bachelorarbeit, Jan Seipp
Visualisation of atom groups in molecuar graphs, Bachelorarbeit, Gareth Bilaney
Pipeline zur Identifizierung funktionaler Module auf Basis von Onkoproteomikdaten, Bachelorarbeit, Anne Abraham
Identifying functional modules in Arabidopsis thaliana root development, Bachelorarbeit, Felix Grünewald
Developing and evaluating a Cytoscape app for graph-based clustering, Bachelorarbeit, Philipp Spohr